Saturday, November 10, 2012

Today is the day! It is the day that I break free from the chains of spouting off at the mouth on Facebook  and Twitter, being silent when I really want to scream, and stop allowing my voice to be limited to the 1,000 plus friends I have on Facebook and share my quirky, sarcastic, spirit with the world!

This is my very first blog and as an IT professional I would hope that it would be excellent and informative and well laid out. And in time it will be! I am going to pour my all into this blog and give wings to my voice.

What is "Silence of the damned" all about? This blog is going to be devoted to issues that are important to me. Issues that should be important to us all. Issues that we don't want to talk about, issues that divide us, and issues that tug at our heart strings. We cannot remain silent nor complacent about issues that are affecting us on a daily basis. You will find a smorgasbord of topics here!

I am excited and thrilled to start this journey of a thousand miles today with this first step. I asked my sister a few weeks ago, "why does everyone care what I have to say?" She said because you are smart and intelligent and you know what you are talking about. Well I agree with that. At the end of the day God gives each of us a gift, and mine is not only my voice but my ability to influence through my voice. I got some pretty good fight in me too.

Let's get this party started!

Kimberly Keepinitreal Taylor


  1. Thanks ladies! This is so exciting and I can't wait to delve into the biggest issues that are burdening me and my heart! This is going to be a great experience!
